December challenge

It’s party season, there are not enough hours in the day, so how do you fit in any kind of workout? Well how about intervals – it doesn’t have to be crazy High intensity (HIIT) sessions, but you can build up to it, just work at a level that feels more intense than usual even for 10 minutes, not only will you feel good, but it will help keep you in shape over the festive time.

Here’s a 30-day challenge you could try, don’t worry if you can’t complete every workout, try to fit in 2-3 a week increasing intensity or time as you feel it gets easier. Don’t overdo it, enjoy the parties and fun times the festive season offers but try to keep in a little exercise over the month.

I intend to add in 2 HIIT sessions a week, in addition to my weights sessions and lower intensity cardio sessions (like swimming). Keeping it varied and fun. I’ll post more ideas here during the month.

30-day HIIT challenge

You may or may not like HIIT, but you can adapt this 30-day challenge to make it less intense, 2-3 sessions a week would keep up your fitness over the busy time. Slowly increase your intensity or the length of the sessions as you feel it gets easier.

See how I get on with my December challenge here.