So, February was all about chocolate – or not, I have achieved the goal of breaking a lockdown habit that had developed to an almost daily comfort fix that had started creeping in… I am not beating myself up for the odd midweek slip up. Times are tough and we all need to be kind to ourselves and others. So I have got back intro having a little but at the weekends, it is a simple way to reduce the amount I have (not that I was gorging on it). I just feel better for reducing the sugar fix.
Moving on to March, I have been really enjoying my kettlebell training, so I will try to keep a little of that going, but I am going to add in some more glute/core work and perhaps try out the odd run to see how my knee is. No big target, just a bit of variety to keep me focused while we wait to find out when we can head back to the gym.
Fortunately I do have some equipment but if you don’t and want to get a good varied workout this month, why not try out this monthly challenge.