Happy New Year!
Have you made any resolutions? I haven’t, yet… So I have been asking other people about theirs. At first everyone trots out the usual stuff, lose weight, get fit etc etc but they are so big and unspecific that it’s almost impossible to stick to. Instead I like the ones I heard today – to try harder, although it sounds like a silly response, it actually works in whatever you do, at work, at the gym, with your diet, with your relationships and friendships. And everyone can try a bit harder.
A client told me they had a few, all written down in places he would see them daily, all were small but very specific – like, doing physio exercises. The things we need to do each day but often push to one side. I think those are achievable and more likely to be successfully completed and give a sense of achievement.
Maybe my decision to take part in another challenge this year will have to be mine, then I will have to do it! But then I do love a challenge so maybe I need to make it more than one!