Easter holidays

It’s another time of year when meeting up with friends and families usually revolves around eating and drinking more than you would usually. As with Christmas, I think people should enjoy the few days when (for some) they are not working and able to relax, have fun and over indulge. Just be mindful it doesn’t need to last long past the holiday season!

I am  going to be walking a lot in the build up to the marathon walk in June. So I will enjoy an Easter Egg (if the Easter bunny gets me one) and I will also eat the roast meal with all the trimmings and have Simnel cake (for a marzipan lover – this time of year is bliss!).

If, like me, you’ll be away and/or your gym is closed try a workout at home, get out for walks and mostly – enjoy yourself and get back to your healthy choices after the bank holiday weekend,

Happy Easter