How much weight should you lose in a month?

Put your mind to it and you can lose weight, however, it depends on what you’re willing to do – extreme diets are out there for people who want to follow a crazy plan that promises huge weight loss. But long term, it’s unlikely to stay off or keep you healthy.

I tell clients to be realistic – you don’t want to be miserable, cutting out food groups, not being able to join friends for a meal out or worse, make yourself ill. So take it slow!

This article highlights the small changes you can make that will help you lose a few pounds in a month. No it’s not a huge amount – but if these small tweaks (and others you can think of relevant to your life), can make the weight come off without changing your life to the point of misery, then the slow steady process has to be better.

Keep it simple – don’t cut back so much that you are hangry but make a few simple changes that will soon add up to bigger ones. Guidelines for healthy weight loss are 0.5lbs-1.5lbs a week.